Energy Freedom Bull Market Incoming?

Energy Freedom Bull Market Incoming?

As we enter the second half of 2024, the global energy landscape continues to evolve at a rapid pace. The push towards sustainable energy solutions is gaining momentum, with electric vehicles and nuclear power taking center stage. However, this transition is not without its challenges, as supply chain constraints in critical minerals threaten to slow progress. Meanwhile, traditional energy sources are showing resilience. Check out the special edition report below


The National Investor

Get ready to dive into the complex world of energy transition with Chris Temples latest insightful commentary! "A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to The Energy Transition" unravels the unexpected twists and turns in the journey toward a greener future. Discover why initial optimism gave way to real-world challenges and what this means for energy policy and investments. Don't miss this chance to stay informed and ahead of the curve. Download your copy now and equip yourself with the knowledge that goes beyond headlines.

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The present U.S. administration has not only set back its own desired policy to have half (or more) of the country driving Electric Vehicles (E.V.'s) in the coming several years. That has been all over the news incessantly. But it has deliberately done a great deal to hobble "Old Energy" as well. And in so doing, Biden and Co. have paradoxically created one of the most bullish environments for oil and (especially) natural gas in quite some time!

Nuclear Energy Gets a Boost from Biden Administration

Panther Minerals (OTC: GLIOF) May Be Poised To Benefit Amid Nuclear Power Push For AI Data Center Growth - Financial Gambits
At the intersection of society’s most cutting-edge technologies – artificial intelligence (AI) and nuclear power – could lie the future economic engine

Nuclear power, the largest source of carbon-free electricity in the U.S., is seeing renewed interest:

  • Biden administration announces new measures to support next-generation nuclear plants
  • New interagency task force created
  • Potential deployment of advanced reactors at Army facilities
  • Ukraine taking steps to reduce dependence on Russian nuclear fuel

Clean Energy

Nuclear Power Will Drive AI Datacenter Growth - Financial Gambits
According to their most recent quarterly reports, Alphabet (which owns Google), Amazon and Microsoft—the world’s cloud-computing giants — collectively
Uranium Demand Set to Soar as Nuclear Power Gains Momentum - Financial Gambits
The demand for uranium is expected to grow significantly in the coming years, driven by several factors. One of the primary drivers is the increasing global

US Energy Independence

Understanding Investment Opportunities In The Mining Industry - FG | Financial Gambits
By: Gregory Beischer | Forbes Councils Member
Alaska Energy Metals Announces Closing of an Oversubscribed $3.3 Million First Tranche, and an Increase In The Overall Size of Special Warrant Unit Offering - Financial Gambits
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